
how do i stop being nevous about school(8th grade)

by Guest1701  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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and none of my friends are in that class im soo nervous HELP

 Tags: grade, nevous, school8th, stop



  1. Guest6314
    You are in math class, stressing out, "I didnt do my homework! I had so much things to do last night, that football game, band practice, basketball practice, and finally dinner." You are starting to fail classes. Your parents are mad saying I know you can do better.
    What you need to do is relax make sunday nights a night where u take a long shower and read a book for fun. I do that every sunday night, not doing anything but relaxing, dont cram things into your head study 4 nights b4 your test a little at a time, and get a head in classes take lots of notes and then type them out. Dont stess youll do fine just listen and relax.

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