
how do you know if you should play shortstop?

by Guest6058  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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i am fast and think and thow fast too and each year i play baseball im always at short even if its a different coach. what do i do that sends out im a shortstop?

 Tags: Play, Shortstop



  1. amomipais82
        * Don't be afraid to get in front of the ball. Block it with your chest. If you get a briuse on your chest, its there for a day or two and then it goes away. If a ball gets by you and a run scores, that run stays in the records and the scorebook forever.
        * If you're on a road looking at a truck you can see if it's going fast or not, Right? stand in front of that truck, not so easy huh? so take an Angle on the ball don't let it come to you charge it on an angle For all you future Derek Jeters out there!
        * Shortstops have to work hard on ground balls and throwing. They also have to take a lot of cuts in the batting cage. A good hitting and fielding shortstop can get you far. Also working out in a weight room (not for young kids under 13 or 14) and running a lot will build your body for baseball.
        * Remember, you can be the best shortstop in the world, but if you can't hit, you won't play. Become a well-rounded player.
        * In a lot of youth baseball many of the players wonder why the infielders cannot turn double plays every time like the majors. They only get the lead runner and the throw to 1st is late. This is all because your middle infielders are not positioned to turn a double play. The second base men should be 4 steps back and 4 steps over from second base, and the shortstop should be about 5 steps back and 7 over on a right handed batter. (These are you normal steps not long strides and yes, it looks really close but that's where you should play to turn two). With decent transitions you'll find that you will be turning a double play A LOT more often.

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