
how do you stop your car being written off ??

by Guest647  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I was hit from behind at a reasonably slow speed and the bumper and rear door (it's an estate - station wagon) have been damaged. Until it is assessed we won't know if the chassis has suffered damage.

The other driver has admitted full responsibility and it is his insurance that is dealing with the claim.

My problem is that my car is a very well-maintained but heavily used 11 year old Audi. I'm worried that the valuation versus repair costs will result in it being written off. If that is the case, the write off value would NOT replace it.

I'm self-employed and a single mum. I rely heavily on my car. If it is written off I cannot work, if I don't work I have no way to support my child....

I'm desperately trying to find a way, some single way, of ensuring I get to keep my car and have it repaired.

Can anyone help.

For your information I'm in Germany and the insurers are German.

 Tags: car, stop, written



  1. Guest3989
    The fact is that cars get written off for a reason. If the cost to get the car back on the road are higher than what you would get if you sold it, then the car is written off. If you have a way of getting it fixed on the cheap then OK, but otherwise you would be paying more than what you get from the insurance company to get it repaired. That is not exactly sensible even if you love the car.

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