
how does Crowdsourcing work?

by Guest7937  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Crowdsourcing suppose to be really good but how does it work? do i talk to whole bunch of people and let them work together for me to improve my business?

 Tags: Crowdsourcing, work?



  1. Guest1967
    here is a quick and dirty on crowdsourcing; there are number of different prespective but crowdsourcing is a very real and important business idea. Definitions and terms vary, but the basic idea is to tap into the collective intelligence of the public at large to complete business-related tasks that a company would normally either perform itself or outsource to a third-party provider. Yet free labor is only a narrow part of crowdsourcing's appeal. More importantly, it enables managers to expand the size of their talent pool while also gaining deeper insight into what customers really want

  2. Guest1386
    Crowdsourcing allows you to tap into the collective intelligence of the public but it must be at their own free will. you must have something the market finds interesting or see a real benefits from it.  Charities have been down it long before the web 2.0 started using it as a buzz word.  

    Crowd sourcing brings like minded people together for a share vision who collectively accomplishes a task(s).
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