
how much damage was done to the land from the boxing day tsunami

by Guest7957  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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I want to know about damage to the land from boxing day tsunami.

 Tags: Boxing, damage, Day, land, tsunami



  1. Guest1246

     The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, furthermore renowned as the Boxing Day Tsunami occurred on 26 December 2004 and is advised one of the deadliest natural catastrophes in history. Due to a 9.3 magnitude earthquake (the second strongest earthquake ever recorded) and lasting between 8-10 minutes (the longest length of faulting in history), it conceived a mega tsunami and triggered a couple of other lesser earthquakes, one as far away as Alaska. The earthquake initiated a important vibration all through the whole planet and initiated huge decimation in over 15 distinct nations and fatalities with nationalities from all through the globe have been described as a outcome of the mega disaster.

    In essence, though the earthquake was marvellous in power (it was approximated that total power made by the earthquake assessed to about nearly 10,000 gigatons of TNT, or 370 years of power utilised by the whole United States), huge decimation was initiated by the tsunami the earthquake created. The teletsunami, a tsunami that determinants impairment far from its genuine source, was assessed at a size of over 24 meters when it strike the village of Aceh and at its top, come to over 100 feet, initating total decimation of the village and effectively leveled the village of Lhoknga in Indonesia. The power of the tsunami initiated swell to journey more than 2 kilometers inland, initating huge decimation of property.

    The tsunami, regardless of the allowance of time it took to origin unwarranted impairment to distinct components of the district, still took numerous by shock and was the major origin of inhabits lost. Despite the huge earthquake, numerous disregarded the idea of a tsunami since a large earthquake assessing 8.7 in magnitude occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2005 but a tsunami did not happen throughout that period. Since the Indian Ocean earthquake in December 26 2004, numerous have suggested a tsunami alert scheme and the United Nations have taken steps to apply an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. Despite the tsunami catching most unsuspecting visitors and local persons by shock, there are some likely indications of a likely tsunami, for example the ocean receding for the time being from the seaboard area, certain thing a 10 year vintage British young female on vacation by the title of Tilly Smith wise from her geography class and directed to throughout the catastrophe, a proceed that kept hundreds of lives.

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