
how telecom firm, insurance companies, school and colleges function as marketing institution?

by Guest4477  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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how telecom firm, insurance companies, school and colleges function as marketing institution?

 Tags: colleges, Companies, firm, function, Institution, insurance, marketing, school, telecom



  1. Guest4767
    There are two separate things in this; first firms function as marketing which allows employees to spend couple of years and then look for higher paying jobs elsewhere. firms spend countless resources on developing these assets and lose majority of it to competitors.

    colleges and uni's are a different issue on its own. they are not post secondary education institutes but actually a well oiled marketing companies who's main objective is money; and yes money alone. if not why would dropout rate be so high, why would people not be able to find jobs in their field once the graduate? why would lot of people change major two years into their current one? The education system is broken; it has been for a very long time. it needs fixing and not just putting up new buildings etc. but actually looking at what education should be and not only providing it but be accountable for it.

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