
how to get a 12 yearold girlfreind

by Guest9187  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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i want a 12 yearold girlfreing plz help because my brother sais im g*y

 Tags: 12, girlfreind, yearold



  1. amomipais82
    There are some terrible answers to your question. Don't listen to all the people telling you you are a g*y .It's OK to want a girlfriend at your age as long as all you are doing is kissing.

    As to how to get one - there is no sure fire way i'm afraid. If there is a special girl that you like just let her know you are interested by talking to her. Say something nice about the way she looks. To get a conversation going ask her a question which she can't answer yes or no to like 'what music do you like?'. If you find you have got something in commom that's a great start. If you get the feeling that she likes you too you might be brave enough to ask if she would like to meet up to go for a walk, go for a burger, go to the cinema, something like that. Good luck!
  2. Guest7631
    i need help too i'm the same age dude
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