
how to get mp pet college by aieee

by Guest7274  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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i want to know how to know about aieee state counselling for mp

 Tags: aieee, College, MP, Pet



  1. Guest1824
    sir i have got 17 no. in aieee & in mppet 67.67 so can i get t*t & gyanganga

  2. Guest6481
    mppet ki counselling kab se hay??????
    or aieee se mppet colleges may counselling kab se hay????????????????
    please bataiye
  3. Guest8189
    i have got 113 marks in sc quota now can i got admission in mp best college
  4. Guest1463
    i have got 88 marks in AIEEE in GEN. QOUTA can u tell me which government collage i have for admission.....................sir/mam its my hamble request to u please help me.....................
  5. Guest1466
    plz help me i get mp college by aieee counseling...plz
  6. Guest5750
    i have got 72 marks in AIEEE in OBC. QOUTA can u tell me which government collage i have for admission.....................sir/mam its my hamble request to u please help me.
  7. Guest1346
    i have got 72 marks in AIEEE in OBC. QOUTA can u tell me which government collage i have for admission.....................sir/mam its my hamble request to u please help me.
  8. Guest5876
    I have got 72 marks in AIEEE in OBC. QOUTA can u tell me which government collage .
  9. Guest2950
    I have got 42 mark in aieee & 56 mark in m.p pet at OBC can u tell me which goverment collage i have  for admisson..respected sir/maim so I request please help me.,
  10. Guest1467
    hi my name is gautam i got 89 marks in aieee and 100 marks in mppet (obc) can i got S.G.S.I.T.S collage indore
  11. Guest6485
    Sir ! How I can get admission in mp pet Colleges through my AIEEE rank ? I have scored 71 marks in aieee 2010 .
  12. Guest4938
    i score 50 marks in aieee having obc quota which college can i get , mp aieee counselling kb se start ho rhi hai
  13. Guest1640
    hey do ne1 know how to apply for aieee quota in mppet based clgs?
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