
how to live on your own at 17 or below?

by Guest5520  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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honestly... you can not live on your own if your below 18!.. but there's a lot you can do. you can talk to your parents and ask them if you can move into the little annex at on the roof. or.. when i was that age. i went and got myself a tent and pitched it up in my backyard, and lived there most of the time. my parents were ok with it cause i was a loner by nature and they enjoyed that i was building on my independence level.

 Tags: 17, below, Live, own



  1. Merlyn
    doing whatever you can do be independent at a young age is a very good idea and i was go all the way to recommend it. i would even suggest that parents allow their children to make moves like this because it would help them a lot in the future. remember the movie 'failure to launch'? we don't want that happening now do we!

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