
how to make an valentine bracelet

by Guest123  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Please tell me the procedure of making valentine day bracelet. Thank You!

 Tags: bracelet, valentine



  1. Guest682

    The material you required to make a valentine bracelet includes Scrap paper, Scrap 16-gauge nickel silver sheet metal , Diamond Glaze  or Mod Podge, Paint brush, Bowl of water (to clean paint brush), Transparent embossing powder. The procedure of making a valentine bracelet is given below.

    Place the paper on a self-healing mat and cut out the paper using a Xacto knife.

    Form the bracelet. Use the rawhide mallet to shape the cuff bracelet around the oval mandrel. File the edges of the metal until jewelry smooth. Place the cuff bracelet on the steel bench block and hammer the edges of the cuff bracelet to thicken the edges, add sparkle and harden the metal so it retains the oval cuff shape. Decoupage the paper to the cuff. Glue the paper to the cuff. Paint Mod Podge over the surface of the paper using a paint brush. Sprinkle transparent embossing powder over the wet Mod Podge. Shake off excess powder. Use a heat gun to melt the embossing powder.


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