
how to try out to be A CONTESTANT

by Guest9404  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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how to try out to be A CONTESTANT

 Tags: contestant, try



  1. amomipais82
    The most important thing that a potential game show contestant can do is to watch the show! Producers don't have the time to teach would-be contestants the rules or how to play the game. They expect you to be prepared and ready to play when you walk through their door, and they will test you to find out if you know what you're doing. If you don't, you'll be quickly rejected.

    So, before you try out for a show, watch it on TV!  Watch it every day. Videotape it if necessary. Make sure that you understand the rules and customs of the game. Practice and prepare.

    If you're going to try out for "The Price Is Right" , for instance, try to memorize as many prices as you can, and be sure that you're familiar the show's individual games and try to master them (including putting a golf ball!).

    If you want to go on "Jeopardy" , it isn't enough just to know everything, you've also got to be fast on that trigger-button and you must know how to wager wisely. Record the shows on your VCR and then use the remote control as a trigger-button to practice "buzzing in "; see if you can beat the other players to the punch. If the game moves too fast for you at first, pause the picture while you try to answer the questions. (But remember that you'll have to keep up with the other contestants if you make it onto the stage of the real "Jeopardy!")  Also keep track of your "winnings" for each show and see how you measure up to other contestants in terms of money won.

    If you can find a home board-game version of your favorite game show, buy it and play it with your family and friends. Both Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune are both available as board games. You can also get a computer game version of Jeopardy.

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