
how to upgrade from xp pro to windows 7 family

by Guest2456  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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I am running a genuine copy of windows xp Professional on my Computer and I want to upgrade it to windows 7 family. Tell me the procedure to upgrade it.

 Tags: Family, Pro, Upgrade, Windows, XP



  1. Guest9972

    Here are the following steps to upgrade from window XP pro to windows 7 family;

    Open the Windows 7 DVD after insert in DVD drive and navigate to folder supportmigwiz and you can see a file named migsetup.exe; double click the file to start Easy Transfer.

    Click on the option of this is my old computer and Windows Easy Transfer starts scanning the computer for files which can be transferred.

    Once scanning is completed, it shows the list of user profiles and you can select the files and settings in each profile which needs to be transferred to Windows 7.

    You need to save the easy transfer file on to an external storage like USB or External hard disk. Once the data is saved, then easy transfer tells you the location in your where the files are stored.

    Now close the easy file transfer and open the folder of Windows 7 Setup by browsing to the root folder of the DVD, and then double clicking setup.exe.

    Click Install Now and in the next step click go online to get the latest updates

    Accept the software license key terms and in the next window, select Custom to perform an upgrade to your existing Windows installation.

    In the next step, you can select the partition of your drive, where you want to install Windows 7 and then Windows 7 Setup will proceed without further interaction.

    Once Windows 7 installation is completed on your PC, now you can transfer the files and to do this, insert the USB or the external hard disk where you saved the transfer files.

    You have now successfully completed the Upgrading process and you can use the disk clean up to remove the temporary transfer files.


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