
i am a hot 13 year old girl now and i am looking for a cute guy 12-14 leave name and number

by lexi325  |  11 years, 10 month(s) ago

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i am a hot 13 year old girl now and i am looking for a cute guy 12-14 leave name and number

 Tags: 1214, 13, Am, cute, girl, guy, Hot, Leave, looking, name



  1. zack
    hey im Zack im tall athletic I have brown hair and brown eyes im slighty tan im 6'1 and I almost have  a six pack text me at 651-272-6684

  2. Jacob Brandt

     My name is jake I'm 13 here's my number 702-480-9975

  3. ramesh
    I'm Ramesh my phone number is 18762953904 ok <3 and if ur on Facebook my name on it is Ramsay balani ok <3 im 13
  4. allstar234
    Im Nathaniel im 13 text me at 651-272-6684
  5. Lover13yearold

     I'm 13 year old boy and I'm looking for a gf my number is 337-322-8212

  6. nick92461

    im nick. everything about me will make you wet. nuff said. 609 287 73387 or email or kik nick92461

  7. Caleb

     My names Caleb I'm 12 text me 409-276-6657

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