
i have a rx-664v receiver the sound turns off if to loud, a message pops up overload

by Guest3065  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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i have a rx-664v receiver the sound turns off if to loud, a message pops up overload

 Tags: loud, Message, overload, pops, receiver, rx664v, sound



  1. Guest5790
    Sounds like 1 of 2 things are wrong, or both. 1st, make sure the speaker wires are "in phase". That means all pos+ (red) to pos+ and all neg- to neg- (black). If the problem persists, you probably have bare speaker wires touching each other somewhere. This will cause an overload at higher volumes. Usually happens to me when I try to staple the wires in place to a wall or something.

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