
i think my chime thing is off or something

by Guest2740  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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at 5 it chimes 4 times, at 8 it chimes 7 times, at 12 it chimes 11 times, at 2 it chimes 1 time , etc . what do i need to do to fix this problem?

 Tags: chime



  1. Guest867
    What are you talking about can you please eloborate

  2. Guest426
    ok it chimes 4 times at 5 oclock , it chimes 5 times at 6 o clock ,in other words it chimes 1 less time then it should have
  3. Guest3480
    ok it chimes 4 times at 5 oclock , it chimes 5 times at 6 o clock ,in other words it chimes 1 less time then it should have
  4. Guest3745
    ok it chimes 4 times at 5 oclock , it chimes 5 times at 6 o clock ,in other words it chimes 1 less time then it should have
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