
i want a boy friend

by Guest8387  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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ok so i am in the 5th grade and i really like a guy that is the same age as me but he is in a different class but i asked him out and he said that he wanted to be single but when my best friend asked him he said yes and i want him to ask me out it seems like im just not good enough for him but i really need a boy friend cus im sick of being the only girl without one please give me the answer to getting a boy friend i also am wondering if he doesnt like me cus im not skinny but im also not fat either i am 11 and i weigh 130 so what do i do to get this really hott guy to date me does he like even notice me or does he ignore me whenever he is around me i feel like i just wanna start kissing him but i also have never kissed anyone so im afraid to please help me

 Tags: Boy, friend



  1. Guest3716
    For the fifth grade this should help-
    I am also in fifth grade and I have a crush in another class but I would never ask him out because he would probably want to make the first move for like his eago or something. Perhaps you caught him off guard or he wanted to ask you himself. Maybe he wanted to get to know you better before he asks.
    For the you're not good enough this should help-
    Ask yourself these questions:
    1. Are you taller than him?
    2. Is it possible that you weigh more than him?
    3. Is he popular and you are not?
    If you answered any of these questions then it might be because he thinks you are not good enough for him socially/physically.
    If you answered all of the above no, ask yourself these questions:
    1. Is he shy?
    2. Is he your friend?
    3. Do you have each others emails, or something like that?
    If you answered all of the above with a no, maybe he wants to get to know you better.
    For you're the only one without a bf this might help-
    Statistics say that if you date someone in 5th, 6th, or 7th Grade that if you like them later on like in High School you will not ask them out because you think that you dated before and it did not work out. Plus, people in fifth grade that date usually break up within 30 days.
    For the Kissing-
    My friend has been dating a guy for like 3 months and we are in 5th grade and they have not yet kissed. If you kiss him to soon, he might only like you because you kiss him. If/when you do kiss him, make it quick and in private. NOT A DARE!!!
    For the entire question-
    Does he know your last name? If not, he barely knows you exsist. Of course he knows your name but if he does know your last name he takes no interest in you.
    I am in the exact same scenario except I weigh like 55 pounds less than you and all of my friends complain about how I am too perfect cause I am good at everything. But anyways, last year, he did not like me. But that was because I always looked at him, and laughed at everything he said, sat next to him voluntarily, and was too easy to date. This year, I always pretend to have to find something when he walks by, this way he I am in sight and in mind. I am also dressing better, have lost 5 pounds, act more casual, get to school earlier so I have a possibility to talk to him, go over to talk to my friends in his class this way he sees me in the caf, have cooler friends, and am not TOO mean. This i working amazingly,  because now he is way too obsessed with me. He purposely trips me so I bump in to him, has touched my shirt while complimenting it while discomplementing my BFFs shirt, talks to me and high fives me, has even said in a game of who would you date that I was not present at that he would date me, and throws footballs at me during recees "by accident" just so he can see if I am OK.

  2. Guest8722
    i want friend with u
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