
iphone jailbreak apps. How to get?

by Guest5092  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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iphone jailbreak apps. How can I get iphone jailbreak apps from internet? Can someone tell me the procedure to get iphone jailbreak apps?

 Tags: apps, iphone, JailBreak



  1. Guest5157

     Though still seated below a minor 10%, the iPhone and iPod touch jailbreak community continues to grow with a steady rate despite the continued hindrance from Apple. Jailbreaking is the act of more of less ‘freeing’ your device, by unlocking restricted components to allow for new and exciting application possibilities and device tweaks either not yet implemented or disapproved by Apple. Since the launch of the original iPhone several years back jailbreaking has seen many advancements making jailbreaking all the more appealing. Before taking a look at some of these advancements, here’s a couple quick notes about some of the fear, uncertainly, and doubt involved with jailbreaking, and even some of the cons to doing it.

    First off, your battery can potentially see a quicker drop after jailbreaking. Chill, though… it all depends upon what you choose to install that will actually make the difference on the battery. There’s various extensions that can essentially run full time on the device, so the more you choose to install the more it will take a hit on your battery. In all honestly, I have everything you see listed below and more running on a daily basis and after a day of using my phone every free moment I get I’m usually sitting with a fair amount of battery. There’s some upsides to help the battery and speed, too. Some tweaks exist to remove useless daemons running in the background and to stop some of Apple’s pesky apps like Mail and Safari from backgrounding on their own. There’s also an SBSettings (more info in the post) toggle to change the screen brightness at will (honestly only takes a couple seconds) as well as an SBSettings toggle to kill processes and free memory (a function Apple forced developers to remove from their applications). Speed can be an issue too, but it’s not for me. On both my past 3G and current 3GS I’ve never had an issue with speed. Things seem to run just as fast as they do on the stock iPhone OS. Finally, another big thing is security. The ridiculous rumors that fly about huge exploits on jailbroken phones honestly astounds me as jailbroken phones typically have far less security issues then the stock iPhone OS (if any) as the jailbreak community is quick on patching up any holes that should be their from Apple (which is honestly very rare). The only thing I would recommend is changing your root password for SSH should you choose to install it.

    So, here’s a look at some of my most beloved and also some of the most popular applications and extensions on the jailbreak scene.

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