
is ablutomania dangerous?

by Guest3929  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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is that similar to bipolar disorder

 Tags: ablutomania, dangerous



  1. Guest5603
    Have you noticed that one of your friends washes his/her hands too often? Well, there is nothing bad if he/she washes them after going outside or toilet but if he/she washes it even just after a few seconds sitting in the room or after touching something, it is the sign to worry because it may be ablutomania and your friend may be ablutomaniac.

    Ablutomania is the obsessive hands washing connected with the fixed ideas of infection or getting dirty. Usually this disease accompanies other serious mental disorders and is rarely manifested alone. Unfortunately this disease is characteristic for children especially child's schizophrenia. The same holds true for adult schizophrenia although it is reflected rarely.

    In fact ablutomania is the ritual disease that has the defence character when a person invents the attempts to get rid of the spiritual discomfort that was caused by the fixed ideas. Ablutomnia is one of the ways to protect the body from viruses and bacteria. And results ablutomania is the reaction to misophobia that is the fear to be infected.

    People who suffer from it wash their hands about 20-30 times a day sometimes even scratching their hands to blood with the help of cleaning brush. Sometimes it even causes different skin diseases because of the constant contact of skin with active liquids. That is why this disorder is dangerous not only from the psychological point of view but also the physical one.

    Hope it helps

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