
is travis garland from nlt g*y?

by Guest5104  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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is travis garland from nlt g*y?

 Tags: Garland, gay, NLT, Travis



  1. Guest1238
    Yes, hes been out since 13.
  2. Guest2173
    how do you know for sure
  3. Guest4185
    I was assuming since he was "discovered" by Perez Hilton that he is g*y.....otherwise why would Perez care?
  4. Guest7421
    no he's not!!he's actually dating a make up artist carlene kearns..
  5. Guest3725
    no hes not hes fit as h**l!!
  6. Guest4498
    He certainly has a "g*y face."
  7. Guest2506
    i think he is. in his songs he is singing to a man
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