
justin bieber would justin bieber date a 13 year old?

by Guest4206  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i would like to know if justin bieber would date me (the 13 year old)

 Tags: 13, bieber, date, Justin



  1. Guest8027
    he already has a girlfriend.

  2. Guest6362
    i think he would you noe after he brakes up widd his GF
  3. Guest2053
    i think that he wold not break up with his gf. and i m not being mean to him ,but everyone at my school hats him.see i like him just who  he isd right now.
  4. Guest7367
    well he would he would not break up with her he would stay with her cuz he can just be friends with the girl. trust me i know
  5. Guest7086
    why do i wanna trust u?
  6. Guest1302
    i think justin wouldnt break up with his gf for sombody else.i am not trying to be mean but do u think justin would date somebody that he just got to know. i want to at least see himm but that is prob not going to happen
  7. Guest3668
    yes any day if she was hot and cute
  8. Guest6284
    no way hes 16 im 15 teen soooo theres your anser (:
  9. Guest7884
    he is dating me...
  10. Guest8196
    I Love Justin Bieber he is a HUNK!!
  11. Guest1198
    i hope so cuz i'm madly in love with him! okay look at robert patiison and kristen strewet she's 20 and he's 24! and they found happyness! so age is just a number! i'm not saying i would date a 50 year old! but for justin i could! well i would when i got to know him and hang around him and really become his friend and then let the chips fall where they may!
    i'm 13 years old but i look about 16! i know how werid? but
    i really like justin and i'd love to hang out? ring me some time?
    07879676547 thank honey bee love you JB xxxxx
  12. Guest2000
    yes he did thats when he got his first romantic kiss
  13. Guest5335
    i think he would because he said hed go out with anyone he falls in love with but you have to be realistic i dont think hed go out with a five year old
  14. Guest5535
    look im his girl friend and im 10 so yeah deffently by the way this is justin bieber im tiping for cassie
  15. Guest1405
    not for the age of 16 years Justin :D
  16. Guest9284
  17. Guest4373
    duh he wudd, cuzz im 13 and he actually went on 5 great dates with me, so that should answer your question
  18. Guest5066
    iam 6  and i like him
  19. Guest3071
    he said in magazines that "I would date any one of my fans". I hope that solves your question. :-D
  20. Guest9574
    would you go with me alisha d. andrews
  21. Guest4009

    i think he would cause age dont mean a thing. it only matters about the love. and my cousin i s dating a 17 year old and shes 13 so i think he would


  22. Guest9253

    i mean if its somebody who he really likes for who that person and if he really loves well then it really doesnt matter bout age to him anyway cuz it mosly up to him for who eve he choses and  for sure bout DAT so dont just sit back like i am just go out there and follow him not like a manic but u knw wat i mean maybe OOPS you two meet at a place or bump into each other cuz he loves girls who ALWAYS make him laugh and luv him for him 

                                                   p.s. i knw DAT iiiiiii llllluuuuuvvvv jb eternity


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