
merman sea monster

by Guest8474  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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merman sea monster - Is it a merman? A mermaid? Is it some sort of never-before-seen alien bloodsucking denizen of the deep, half-fish and half-vampire, that happens to bear an uncanny resemblance to the snaggletoothed Count Orlock in F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu? so many questions, who can answer them?

 Tags: Merman, monster, Sea



  1. Aalia
    If you were thinking it's anything other than the latter, you need to dial your skeptic-o-meter up a notch. "Merfolk" are creatures of myth and legend. They don't exist. And in the unlikely event that such a creature really were discovered on a lonely beach somewhere in the world, it would make international headlines.

    The emails containing these images variously claim the specimen was found on a beach in South Africa, the Philippines, or Malaysia. These were lies made up after the fact. The first place the images turned up was on eBay, where the seller, a Tampa, Florida resident using the screen name "Seamystery," described the sale item as a "golden mermaid found dead on a lonely Florida beach." It was "a few inches shy of being 5 feet long" and lay on a "Fresh natural bed of seaweed." The circumstances of the discovery were described as follows:

        While exploring desolate areas of Fort Desoto Beach at the southern end of St. Petersburg, here in Florida, I came upon a rather startling discovery. Before me lay what at first appeared to be a very large strange fish. Shocked and amazed, I realized I had found another mermaid or sea monster.

    Another mermaid or sea monster? Yes, unlikely as it seems, "Seamystery" has auctioned off items like this before and since, including one specimen billed as a "REAL sea monkey monster corpse," which, I discovered, was also up for sale on the Web site of celebrated taxidermy artist Juan Cabana. Front and center on Cabana's home page was a photo of the "golden mermaid."

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