
minimum wage in barbados

by Guest3094  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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minimum wage in barbados, can someone tell me what is it?

 Tags: Barbados, minimum, wage



  1. Guest5641
    minimum wage in barbados has an official and unoffical rate. Household domestics are entitled to a minimum wage of about $0.75 (bds$1.50) per hour, although in actual labor market conditions, the prevailing wage is triple that amount.  There are two age-related minimum wage categories for shop assistants.  The adult minimum wage for shop assistants was raised by 13 percent in June 1997, to $2.13 (bds$4.25) per hour; the juvenile minimum wage for shop assistants became $1.62 (bds$3.25) per hour.  The minimum wage for shop assistants is marginally sufficient to enable a worker and family to meet minimum living standards; most employees earn more.

  2. Guest7151
    is $60 per day for maids good enough
  3. Guest9552
    how these being a minimum wage earner in barbados affects that person life
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