
moldova facts

by Guest7317  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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i want 5 interesting facts about moldova that noone would really know?

 Tags: Moldova



  1. GiGi
    Fun & Interesting Facts about Moldova :

    *The official name of Moldova is ‘Republic of Moldova’.

    *The official language of Moldova is Moldovan. However, Ukrainian, Russian and Gagauz are also widely spoken there.

    *Majority of the people in Moldova are Orthodox Christians, followed by Independent Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Protestants and Nonreligious.

    *The main ethnic groups in Moldova include Moldovan (Romanian), Ukrainian, Russian, Gagauz and Bulgarian.

    *The currency of Moldova is Moldovan leu.

    *The capital of Moldova is Chiºinãu.

    *Moldova follows the system of ‘Parliamentary Republic’.

    *In the Middle Ages, majority of area under Moldova today formed a part of the Principality of Moldavia.

    *Moldova became a part of the Russian Empire, under the name of Bessarabia, in the year 1812.

    *Bessarabia joined Romania in 1917-1918, after the Russian Empire was dissolved.

    *In 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Bessarabia. Later, it was split between the Ukrainian SSR and the newly-created Moldavian SSR.

    *Moldova gained independence from the USSR on 27th August 1991.

    *Moldova is a member state of the United Nations, WTO, OSCE, GUAM, CIS, BSEC and other international organizations.

    *Chiºinãu, Tiraspol, Bãlþi and Tighina are the largest cities of Moldova.

    *Dealul Balanesti (430 m) forms the highest point in Moldova.

    *Beleu and Manta are the largest natural lakes in Moldova.

    *The cave in Criva, Moldova, is amongst the largest caves of the world. The underground path out there is also one of the longest in the world.

    *Moldavia (Bogdania) was founded by Prince Bogdan, around mid-14th century.

    *Gagauz became an autonomous region of Moldova in 1994.

    *In 2001, Moldova became the first former Soviet state to elect a Communist as its president.

    *Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe.

  2. Guest4499
    Thasft the most common religion is Christianity in Moldova and the majority are Orthodox Christians, people who are serious about being faithful to Jesus Christ.
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