
moms what age did you stops going in the exam room with you son

by gabe  |  11 years, 5 month(s) ago

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Mom in the exam room with son

 Tags: age, exam, Moms, son, Stops



  1. richardpr44

    My mom came with me into the exam room through age 15.  The rule at that time is minors under 15 had to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

  2. Guest72896

     My mother stopped going into the exam room with me as soon as my doctor  began asking questions that were extremely personal or related to puberty and such things. This was about age 11. Any questions that pertained to my general health had my mom in the room with me. Beyond that when my doctor began asking about potential drug use and sexual matters, my mom was excused. This helped me be honest and saved a lot of awkwardness on the ride home.

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