
my boyfriend and I fight a lot. we never use to. we are a long distance relationship and my life

by Guest6626  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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we never use to. we are a long distance relationship and my life has gone in the crapper. A big family lose and all. Anyhow, we fight almost every second night. sometimes 2 or 3 nights in a row. It usually starts with me complaining about something he does, or....... he does something that hurts my feelings so i hold it in until i get all lippy and kind of burst. the more it happens the farther away he pulls himself and that only hurts me more which makes me even more angry and makes me start fights more because he acts like he doesnt care like he use to.

I need to fix this!




  1. Guest8683
    I, too, am in a long distance relationship... and we, too, have been fighting a lot recently. Our fighting just began last week, but things feel different now (at least from my perspective). I feel very disconnected from him. I actually shut down like you do when he says something that may hurt my feelings, then things start to blow up from there when he asks what is the matter. He is actually coming for a visit this coming weekend, and I plan on talking to him about my feelings.

    I understand that I did not answer your question exactly (well, not at all), but at least you know someone else out there is going through that. If you end up fixing things to the way they used to be between you and your boyfriend, please let me know so I can do the same! :)

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