
my rank in comedk is 12561??which college will i get??

by Guest6386  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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my rank in comedk is 12561??which college will i get??

 Tags: 12561which, College, comedk, Rank



  1. Guest7143
    u can get dayanand sagar or m visvesaraiya

  2. Guest194
    which college can i get at the rank of 16500
  3. Guest1053
    whichcollege can i get at the rank of 17000
  4. Guest487
    my rank is 4998 in mbbs-bds course in comedk 2009.....which course and college will i get
  5. Guest2744
    which college i will get in comedk uget at the rank 12227
  6. Guest6268
    my rank is23545 which colleges willi get
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