
need a loving and caring family to adopt my unborn baby

by Guest4408  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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I am 7months pregnan I want to keep it but my boyfriend does not want a child, 18 years young, i honestly think i can do it but my boyfriend  says its going to ruin his life. I love him and dont want to do that to him and i dont want to lose him but im not sure how i can cope with all of this.please do contact me if in intrested in adopting my baby

 Tags: Adopt, baby, Caring, Family, Loving, unborn



  1. Maria

    I have a few months old baby up for adoption email me at

  2. jazzybaybee88

    i am a 24 year old married for six years now and have had no luck getting pregnant. we are christian and financially ready for a child. are you still looking for a family to adopt your unborn child? if so, and you are serious about it, could you tell me more about yourself? please contact me as soon as possible.

  3. Marijor

    hi belinda!

     where are you from? me and my husband doesn't have a baby for seven years, and we feel our life is incomplete without a child, please consider me to adopt your child if you were here in philippines, please let me me a, thanks!


  4. Guest5087
    My husband and I would love to adopt. We are financially stable and are in good health. We have already had a homestudy done. We live in Louisiana. I have already sent you an email to your yahoo describing our family. There is many couples who would be willing to adopt your baby.
  5. Guest9341
    Hi my name is Trishe. My husband and I live in NC, own a mental health agency and have a 13 year old daughter and 3 year old son. We cannot have anymore children and are seeking the adoption route. My email address is Please contact me. How are you and the baby doing? Soon those tiresome visits to the doctor will be atleast twice a week. We look forward to hearing from you. Blessing. Trishe
  6. Guest686
    Yes dear i want to adopt this child. Plz help me. i am very needy. I am from India. Plz tell me detail. my mail- Id is
  7. Guest99
    yes i would love to adopt your just after graduted from still living with my mam im 18 and i always wanted a baby at first my mam was gonna have a bab y for me but then i wasnt sure.i dont have a boyfriend but i have a job and so does my from ireland and your baby can change my life:)
  8. Guest9294
    we would love to adopt yor baby we are apo couple of 4 years and he's n to computers and mysels n the funeral bussiness can contact me at asap
  9. Guest8010
    You do what you feel is right. Listen to you heart, not your head. I feel like everything happens for a reason. I wish you luck in whatever decision you make.
  10. Guest1320
    It must be hard to be where you are right now.  I have been in the childcare business since I graduated college.  I own a child care center and have a love for children that most don't have.  My husband is in the medical field.  We currently have a 6 yr old son who is spoiled rotten.  We are looking to adopt a baby.   Please email me at if you haven't made a decision yet.  

    Judy and family
  11. Guest9038
    It must be hard to be where you are right now.  I have been in the childcare business since I graduated college.  I own a child care center and have a love for children that most don't have.  My husband is in the medical field.  We currently have a 6 yr old son who is spoiled rotten.  We are looking to adopt a baby.   Please email me at if you haven't made a decision yet.  

    Judy and family
  12. Guest7081
    Oh Belinda,
    What a ruff decision to make.  My husband and I we would love to adopt your baby if you want us to.  Let me tell you alittle about myself.  We live in a small town in Idaho.  We have 3 children already whom we adore.  Due to my last pregnancy I am unable to have anymore children and wish to have more so my husband and I have chose to adopt.  We hope that you will consider us.  If you want to talk to get to know us better and for us to get to know you better you can email us at or  Hope to hear from you.  If you'd like I could send you pictures of your baby once a year to see how she's growing or we can have a closed adoption where you would have any contact at all, it's up to you the choice for you is the most hardest choice of all.
  13. Guest8251


      I feel for your situation, although myself I want to adopt a baby I have a 14 yr old and 11 yr old and I am 33. I had an emergency hystectomy at 23 so I cannot have anymore.  I know you feel you have to do this because of your boyfriend but just some advice if you have it in your heart you really want to keep this child and the only reason for giving the baby up is him.  That is not wise.  I was younger then you when I had my first little boy.  There is always help and you have to follow your heart not someone elses.. If you are serious I would love to speak with you if only for comfort and tell ou more about my family.  Thanks

    Take Care

  14. Guest3963


      I and my husband have just adopted our son  from ST Augustine mission  child care center in Africa . If you wish to adopt a child you can get in contact with father Divine at

     Mispa and Gordon

  15. Guest5483

    where are you from? My fiance and I live in Upsate, NY and would like to discuss adoption with you. please feel free to contact us VIA email at anytime. There are open adoptions as well. Lets talk.


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