

by Guest8095  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Is oxiecodine very addictive/

 Tags: oxiecodine



  1. GiGi
    It's highly addictive. Cessation of use after using it for a long period of time will result in similar side effects that people experience when detoxing from heroin.

  2. GiGi
    The major concern with the use of oxycodone and its derivatives is tolerance and physical dependence which can occur after several weeks to months of use. Oxycodone has almost similar effects to morphine, and thus appeals to the same community who abuse morphine and heroin. Reports of pharmacies being broken in for oxycodone are not uncommon.

    Like all opioids, oxycodone use is regulated. Thus, when it is acquired illegally, the drug is expensive on the black market. Prices for black market oxycodone may range anywhere from $25 to 50 for a 50 mg tablet. With the availlability of generic brands, the cost of a pill may range from $5-10.

    To prevent abuse of oxycodone and its dervatives, newer formulatons are being developed that will prevent excessive use and limit toxicity. Remoxy is a newer drug which is currently undergoing clinical trials.

    The use of Oxycodone under the guidance of physicians is generally safe and rarely causes problems. When taken with due care for short term periods, the drug is a very effective pain killer.
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