
real working spells to become a mermaid

by Guest7240  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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i  relly what to be a mermaid like h2o gust add water can you help me.




  1. h2omale!!!

     guest5367 heres my comment how can i get in touch with u

  2. Guest5955
    first you need a 12 gallon bucket (metal) then add 1 kg of cat fish scales, then add 3g of you skin, then 4g of your hair then burn it when you are submerged naked in salt water then go to a phykic and see if they see anything if they do you will be able to hold you breath for longer with only 1 week practice that is as close as you will get
  3. Guest2828
    that is a lie and who wants to go in naked!!!!!!! ewewewew~!!!!!!!!
  4. Guest4170
    Insouciant Inclemency
    Redoubtable mediocracy
    Refutable humanity
    make me what I wish to be
    witches one and witches all
    give this power to me

    Repet 10 times

    have a hand or foot in water while you say it

    in 2-3 weeks you should have powers over water

    2-3-4 months and you should have a tail!

    You really have to belive


    Legs chaning colour/getting itchey tingly or achey
    Getting extreamly tired
    coughing fits when in water
    being able to breath/hold breath for longer in water
    random anger
    scales appering on your skin
    gills appring on your neck/armpits
    legs sticking together/wanting to stay together
    legs crossing to form a sort of tail shape by them selves
    constant thrist even after drinking
    wanting to touch or be in water
    when in water when you put your hand on your legs you feel movement inside

    MOST people get these they can take up to 2 weeks to appeer

    I'm 13
    have recantaly done this spell most people say it works

  5. Guest604
    glass of the sea shine upon me eye of the ocean grant me with fins make me a mermaid human no more away from the shore now i am finally free to escape humanity. the thing is i made it up and on internet it said if you make your own spell it is more powerful. :]
  6. Guest5693
    i have a tail coming soon but i saw it in my dreams i have these side effects, Legs getting itchey tingly or achey, Getting extreamly tired, headaches,
    wanting to touch or be in water, and mermaid dreams plus im singing better now :) go to 42 things and search it.
  7. Guest4096
    i have a tail coming soon but i saw it in my dreams i have these side effects, Legs getting itchey tingly or achey, Getting extreamly tired, headaches,
    wanting to touch or be in water, and mermaid dreams plus im singing better now :) go to 42 things and search it.
  8. Guest2489
    you will need a bowl of water a bule candle and a full moon.
    you go outside in the full moon.put the bowl of water were you can see the moons refection.slid your hand across the top of the water. light the candle and chant:

    forces of the sea
    forces of the deep
    grant me the wish
    to be part of the sea
    make me a mermaid
    this is my wish make it be.
  9. Guest998
    what you have to do is make your own spell or just find a spell on google
    and try a bunch of things.i looked at so many things and i wrote them down
    went in the bath and now im getting side effects.Im always wanting to swim or drink water i always have my legs crossed and they sometimes like change color its weird.     ally
  10. Guest4360
    welll i think i am a mermaid. I have  not got my tail yet. but i am coughing but not in water i am insanely thirsty yesterday and today. My head is hurting really bad! I guess those are symtoms to changing into a mermaid!
  11. Guest5367
    Yes, mermaid spells do work. I am a white witch. I practice white magic and wiccan. If anybody wants a spell just reply to my comment, and i will get you one in a matter of minutes. Please, for me being a white witch stay away from black and red magic because they can turn around on you and cause you misery. I can also give spells to help you get a nice body, get powers,have good luck (be careful with those) And any you chooose from. Treat spells, potions and magic like a baby, treat it with care. I hope someone replies to me, for i can get any spell your heart desires. Exept for evil needs.
  12. Guest8732
    i need a spell that is 100% to work cause i need to be a mermaid really badly
  13. Guest3208
    well my name is aiyana and im 14 and the incousiet inclemency does not work trust me ive tried  but im going to try it again and people make up your own spell it really works i heard so give it ur best shot peolez and i will keep u up dated
  14. Guest1615
    well my name is aiyana and im 14 and the incousiet inclemency does not work trust me ive tried  but im going to try it again and people make up your own spell it really works i heard so give it ur best shot peolez and i will keep u up dated
  15. Guest7988
  16. Guest5562
    if you keep trying you soon will lear your inner power.the spell is lords of the sea,fish of power, grant my wish to become a mermaid
  17. Guest9932
    look all i ever did because i am a mermaid and so is my friend i just prayed to god and when i had a bath the next day i found a blue tail my mum and dad don't know . yesterday i had  bath and my tail wasn't there so if you have a spell for me PLEASE! PLEASE! let me know
  18. Guest9793
    go to
    it actually works!
    the power of 8!
  19. Guest5373
    hey b!tches
  20. Guest503

     hello Guest14677189 what kind of power spells do you have an can u give me 1-3 please?

  21. Guest8945

    I have a head ace and im thirsty. I tried almost EVERYTHING! Help me!

  22. Guest6360

    GUEST 14677189

    can you make me a mermaid spell,plz?

    you can contact me at

  23. Guest8017

    can someone please give me a REAL spell that works or better yet does anybody knowany witches that could help me i want to become mermaid soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad please i am begging you help me


  24. Guest24

    I really want to become a mermaid and FOR SURE the insociant one does not work please help me! I am 15 and i have been wanting to be a mermaid since i was 4!i cantwait an longer or  will cry! i need an answer! guest14677189 please give me an spell!

  25. Guest4470

    here is a spell,as i lay herein this water i conceal myself to you air was needed now no more  my legs squeeze and join a mermaid forever be

  26. Guest2685

    hey guest14677189 i need a real spell to become a mermaid and my sis needs a spell to get powers so if you could help us that would be really great!! my email is thanks!

  27. Guest4326

    Here's a really great way to become a mermaid:

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