
relays/fuses on Mitsubishi. on a galant 99

by Guest1888  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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on a galant 99

 Tags: Mitsubishi, relaysfuses



  1. Jesica ethan
    The Mitsubishi Galant has two designs–one that ran from 1999 through 2003 and the other from 2004 until now. No matter which one of these styles or years you own, you can blow a fuse at any time. When this happens you can use the same steps to exchange the bad fuse for a new one yourself.

    Turn your car off before you take out a fuse. Find the two fuse boxes in your Mitsubishi Galant. One is under the hood on the driver's side and the other is inside the car under the dashboard and also on the driver's side.

    Open the fuse box and look at the inside cover. Listed are the locations of all fuses in that fuse box. For example, a 1999 Mitsubishi Galant has the head and taillight fuse in slot 2.

    Pull out the fuse you need and look at the wire inside. A blown fuse has a melted wire in the middle.

    Find a new fuse that has the same rating as the one you removed. In the earlier example, the head and taillight fuse is a 10 amp in the Mitsubishi Galant.

    Push the new fuse into place firmly. Close the fuse box cover and restart the car. Make sure the new fuse works by testing it.

    Hope it helps
    Best of Luck

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