
restless legs. My partner has been taking pramepaxole for several years for the condition

by Guest1577  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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My partner has been taking pramepaxole for several years for the condition 'restless legs' or Ekbom Syndrome, she wondered if there were long term effects to the drug also if there is side effects from taking Esomaprazole for reflux oesophagitus at the same time.




  1. Guest5075
    Pramepaxole does not have many common side effects although few people have developed rashes, nausea, and vomiting. These are rare cases. There are no long term side effects besides dependancy which is a side effect of almost all medications and drugs. Although taking two medications at the same time is not a good idea, your doctor knows best. If they recommended that you do, I suggest that you take their advice. Hope it helped!

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