
scope of applied electronics and insrtumentation branch in india

by Guest2529  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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i'm in gr8 confusion that whether i hav taken right decision by taking applied electronics and instrumentation




  1. Guest2866
    this is a mis concept that any branch is good or bad each branch has its own scope and importance u just need to excel in ur respective domains...

    talking about applied electronics and instrumentation ,this is a branch which has infinite potential in itself and is a master of all .u just need to kno things practically like u can go for SCADA PLC and HMI certification.complete knowlege of switch gears and this u can have a job for sure.

    some of the known companies in this feild are-- texas instruments .rockwell automation,silicon india,sofcon india,micro electronics.semiconductor labs bang,fair child for op-amps and many more...
    best ok luck .

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