
should i buy or rent? i've heard several times that you should buy instead of rent i'm just

by Guest1505  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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i've heard several times that you should buy instead of rent i'm just wondering why the h**l people do that ? whats the financial benefits for buying instead of renting and whats the financial disadvantages of doing that?

 Tags: buy, rent?



  1. Guest2748
    people rent because they can't afford to put a down payment on a property. otherwise everyone would buy, because buying builds equity for you in the property as you pay rent. if you just rent the property the money you pay in rent goes to the equity of the landlord. your paying his mortgage when you could just as easily be paying your own mortgage. that way you have something invested into the property instead of just paying rent and claiming taxes, and getting no return on the money you spent.
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