
to create iphone application we can use objecticve C language

by Guest947  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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to create iphone application we can use objecticve C language or we can create using some other program

 Tags: Application, create, iphone, language, objecticve



  1. amomipais82
    Understand classes, objects, and methods
    Write a first program in Objective-C
    Use basic control constructs for looping, decision-making, etc.
    Define classes and write instance and class methods
    Use inheritance
    Take advantage of polymorphism and dynamic typing
    Work with the preprocessor
    Utilize underlying C features
    Use the basic Foundation classes (numbers, arrays, dictionaries, sets, etc.)
    Retain and release objects correctly to prevent memory leaks
    Demonstrate fluency in Objective-C
    Set up elegant user interfaces easily
    Set up text input fields on the iPhone and move the virtual keyboard onto the screen
    Create iPhone applications that use Core Location (GPS, Cell Tower Triangulation, Wifi Access Point Location) to pinpoint a user's location
    Localize applications for international use
    Swap out different interfaces (windows) with animation
    Display data in tables
    Display HTML either from a file or directly from the web
    Create applications that can record audio and play short sounds and full audio files
    Store data as files or SQLite databases
    Handle warnings from the phone so applications don't get shut down
    Draw and animate with OpenGL
    Handle touch and complex multi-touch sequences
    Draw with Core Graphics
    Animate user interfaces with Core Animation
    Create an application that can access the user's photos or use the camera to take new photos for use within the application
    Use the accelerometer to detect changes in the device's orientation
    Pull data from a web service for use in an application
    Create applications that access and modify the user's Address Book through a standard or customized interface
    Maintain a preference file for an application
    Set up remote client/server functionality for the iPhone
    Use Instruments to profile an application

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