
troubleshoot Laars Lite 2 400,000 BTU Heater

by Guest2360  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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troubleshooting guide for laars lite 2 natural gas fired pool heater

 Tags: 400000, BTU, heater, Laars, LITE, Troubleshoot



  1. Guest6083
    We installed a new pilot generator - furnace fired up for about one minute, then went off and stayed off - there seems to be no problem with pilot light  Can you help?

  2. Guest8108
    When turned on, the heater only seems to be going at half strength.
    The control is on maximum, but the water only heats a little.
  3. Guest8593
    I have a ten year old laars lite 2 LD 400000 heater.  It will start but then the flame goes our after 30 seconds.  I have checked water circulations and is OK.  What could be wrong?
  4. Guest5866

    it sounds like a flame sencor. in your manual see if you model has one if so replace it. its a sencor safety device so if it dont sence flame it will turn off the gas valve. it probably is bad

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