
tv plays for half an hour and blows the fuse power transistor and some diods

by Guest7231  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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tv plays for half an hour and blows the fuse power transistor and some diods

 Tags: Blows, diods, fuse, half, hour, plays, power, Transistor, TV



  1. Guest1680
    What fuse?  What transistor? What Diodes?
    AC mains fuse?   Regulator TX,  Flyback drive?  Damper diodes?  Power supply Diodes?

  2. Guest1019
    It only means that that there is something that might be partially shorted.

    It could be caused by a n excessive power supply output to the transistor

    you are telling about. These output should /must never be more than 135V,

    On some they are just 95V .
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