
verizon iphone 4. what is it?

by Guest8299  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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verizon iphone 4. What is a verizon iphone 4? Can someone tell me the details about verizon iphone 4?

 Tags: iphone, Verizon



  1. Guest8779

     The iPhone 4 is just one of the big smartphones that is making news in the first quarter as the HTC Thunderbolt  powered by Android prepares to launch within the next 2 weeks. The original release date was pushed back to avoid the possibility of customers looking to return their iPhone 4 within their 14 day trial period to get a piece of Verizon’s first 4G phone. The HTC Thunderbolt will be the 2nd  smartphone on Verizon’s network that will feature a front and rear facing camera for video chat. It will also be the first phone that will allow its users in a 4G area to simultaneously surf the web during a phone call. This has been something that AT&T customers have been able to do on their current 3G smartphones. This has helped AT&T keep some of their customers who enjoyed the ability to do both.

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