
what are the inventions of antoine lavoivier

by Guest3013  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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what are the inventions of antoine lavoivier

 Tags: Antoine, inventions, lavoivier



  1. salim
    I think you are looking for the inventions of "Antoine Lavoisier". You might have made a spelling mistake as after careful and thorough research i could not find any scientist named antoine lavoivier.

    Anyways it doesnt matter....I will provide you guidance and help to understand the inventions of Antoine Lavoisier.

    So just for a quick start i would like you to know that Lavoisier at the age of 21 began to fulfill his own dream  to study mathematics and science.  He studied astronomy, botany and geology under eminent scientists of the time.

    Also i would like you to know that the period of Antoine Lavoisier is from 1743-1794.

    Lets move to his inventions now.....they are numbered as follows:

    1. Lavoisier believed that weight was conserved through the course of chemical reactions even those involving gases.  He explained combustion (and respiration) in terms of chemical reactions that involve a component of air which he called oxygen.  

    2. In 1774, Lavoisier was repeating Robert Boyle's tin calx experiments from the previous century.  

    3. In November 1774, Lavoisier repeated Priestley's experiment as well.

    4. In 1777, Lavoisier conducted an experiment that established a fatal shortcoming of the phlogiston theory.

    5. Proof of the validity of Lavoisier's Oxygen Theory came when Lavoisier
    (a) decomposed water into two gases, which he named hydrogen and oxygen, and then
    (b) reformed them into water as had been previously done by Priestley (1781) and then quantitatively by Cavendish.

    6. To spread his ideas and the Oxygen Theory, Lavoisier published "Traité élémentaire de chemie" in 1789.  In his book, Lavoisier named a total of 33 elements, most of which are still in use today.  It has been said that the book would be recognizable to a student of chemistry as is reads "like a rather old edition of a modern textbook.

    7. Lavoisier also contributed to the plans for reform including the establishment of the metric system.  After the French Revolution, Lavoisier was a member of the Commission for the Establishment of the Metric System and was appointed Secretary of the Treasury in 1791.

    Antoine Lavoisier discovered no new substances.  He made few new improvements to laboratory methods.  Yet he will be remembered to the end of time as the father of modern chemistry.  He took the works of others, most notably that of Priestley, Black, Cavendish and Scheele and explained it.

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