
what are the merits and demerits of mean,median, mode?

by Guest6507  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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what are the merits and demerits of mean,median, mode?

 Tags: demerits, meanmedian, merits, mode



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    mean=merit: most accurate of the 3. demeret: uses all numbers of the sequence including weird ones.
    mode=merit: uses the most common number. demerit: does not factor in the numbers that do not occur as often.
    median=merit: number in the middle when you put them in order from smallest to greatest. demerit: the median could be a lot smaller than 50% of the numbers.

  2. Guest3640
    The mean is the most commonly and frequently used average. It is a simple average, understandable even to a layman. It is based on all the values in a given data. It is easy to calculate and is basic to the calculation of further statistical measures of dispersion, correlation etc. Of all the averages, it is the most stable one. However it has some demerits. It gives undue weightages to extreme value. In other words it is greatly influenced by extreme values.Moreover; it cannot be calculated for data with open - ended classes at the extreme. It cannot be fixed graphically unlike the median or the mode. It is the most useful average of analysis when the analysis is made with full reference to the nature of individual values of the data.Inspite of a few shortcomings; it is the most satisfactory average.

    The median is another well-known and widely used average. It is well-defined formula and is easily understood. It is advantageously used as a representative value of such factors or qualities which cannot be measured. Unlike the mean, median can be located graphically. It is also possible to find the median for data with open ended classes at the extreme. It is amenable for further algebraic processes.However,it is an average, not based on all the values of the given data. It is not as stable as the mean. It has only a limited use in practice.

    It is a useful measure of central tendency, as a representative of the majority of values in the data. It is a practical average, easily understood by even laymen. Its calculations are not difficult. It can be ascertained even for data with open-ended classes at the extreme. It can be located by graphical means using a frequency curve. The mode is not based on all the values in the data. It become less useful when the data distribution is not uni-model.Of all the averages, it is the most unstable average.
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