
what do people eat in the sahara desert?

by Guest3280  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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what do people eat in the sahara desert?

 Tags: desert, eat, people, sahara



  1. amomipais82
    They don't sit around in the sun and if they go out in the day they cover up. Their clothes are loose, not fitted and although you think they would be hot the clothes make you feel cooler!
    The houses have been built well and inside it is cool, they don't need air-conditioning in their house. I have never had trouble sleeping because of the heat.
    They have a siesta at the hottest time of day.
    They don't eat 3 big meals a day, they eat about 5 small meals.
    There are more people out and about in the evening, when it is cooler.

  2. Guest7645
    they eat plants, insects, animals and rice
  3. Guest8294
    they eat food
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