
what does the circle represent for Christians

by Guest4566  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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what does the circle represent for Christians

 Tags: Christians, Circle, Represent



  1. Guest6049
    The unending circle or wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. For Christian couples, the exchanging of the wedding rings is the outward expression of the inward bond, as two hearts unite as one and promise to love each other with fidelity for all eternity. Likewise, the wedding covenant and the husband and wife relationship is a picture of the relationship between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church. Husbands are urged to lay down their lives in sacrificial love and protection. And in the safe and cherished embrace of a loving husband, a wife naturally responds in submission and respect. Just as the marriage relationship, symbolized in the unending circle, is designed to last forever, so too will the believer's relationship with Christ endure for all eternity.

  2. Guest2078
    i heard the circle repersents birth and pregnacy
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