
what is eid holiday

by Guest8742  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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My colleague at the office were saying that they are going on Eid Holiday. Anyone knows what this Eid holiday is.

 Tags: Eid, Holiday



  1. Guest8366
    Eid is the very special day for Muslims.There are two types of Eid which are
    1.Eid ur Fitar
    2.Eid ul Azha

    1.Eid ul Fitar is celebrated after the Holy month of Ramadan.Muslims practice fast during the day light time and on completion of this month starts Eid holidays in which almost every single individual wear new clothes and meet family members and friends and neighboring fellows.

    2.Eid ul Azha is celebrated on Hajj Muslims from around the world sacrifice animals(Goat,sheep,Buffalo or camel)in the name of Allah.These holidays are celebrated by distributing meat to poor people,neighours and to relatives.

       On both the Eid's there is almost a three day holiday and these holidays are spent very actively through out the Muslim world.

  2. Guest7758
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