
what is his justin bieber's house address

by Guest5927  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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what is his justin bieber's house  address

 Tags: address, biebers, House, Justin



  1. Debbie

    Why should i tell? 

  2. Debbie

     Stalker much? Wtf next think u know somebody wants to go rape him haha....funny & good luck trying to find his adress cuz its not like he or some of his friends or what ever r gonna give u it! Just saying the truth #No Hate 

  3. Guest7031
    why do u need his house adress!!!!????
  4. Guest7962
    to send him gifts of course!!^
  5. Guest261
    you reallt hink they're gonna guve out his house address lol u funny i cnt believe ppl cn b so dumb justin bieber will never give out his house address!!!!
  6. Guest9866
    i m moving and my mom is leting me pick the house
  7. Guest5431
  8. Guest8049
  9. Guest7208
    omg hope fully justin bieber dosent fin out that you put his home addres on the internet because he'll probley get lots of people storking him an trying to get in to his house well thats what i think love love love xoxoxoxox
  10. Guest6552
    ya like Justin Bieber is really gonna give out his house address but i think he lives near the YMCA soccer field in atlanta georgia in the big tan house because it has a bowling aly in the house so there is some info -kit
  11. Guest8707
    i wish i knew i waz c in if ya knew it but of course ya dont
  12. Guest4918
  13. Guest9675
  14. Guest5423
    I have His Address but  I am not going to give it to you. Stalker. Me and Him did a vidio 2gether on youtube. I am the on that got into an accident. Me and Him were Girlfriend and Boyfriend. I am really going to miss him though. I didn't really tell him but I am moving to California. I met this Girl named Hannah Marin there. We became best friends. She lives in California in whittier. She told me that every time they are selling tickets to go to a Justin Bieber concert she can't get them because she doesn't have enough money. She also try's to get backstage passes but she doesn't have the money. That's why I am going to tell Justin if he can try and get her backstare passes and tickets to his next concert. HANNAH LIVES IN CALIFORNIA AND IN THE CITY OF WHITTIER. HE PHONE # IS 5623815138. GIVE HER A CALL
  15. Guest2555
    i dont   know  his  adess but i got a gold ticket an  could go on a trip with justin
  16. Guest6098
    I know I went there 27 mcKenzie st. Nukurmuah victoria Australia 3636
  17. Guest5393
    Justin Lives in Alanta Georgia thats all I know Ive been looking for his fan mail address but cant seem to find it.
  18. Guest5364
    I know where it is 11 Brian Street Atlanta Geogia
  19. Guest3976
    sorry, but I don't know justin bieber house address ? But I have PIN Blackberry justin bieber
  20. Guest5217
    its 126 downie street stratford ontario i live down the street from him
  21. Guest1282
    I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure his address is 44 Blackland Rd NW Atlanta GA 30305... i looked at 15 websites and that's the address i got.... really sorry if that's not write
  22. Guest498
    I am sure his address is 44 Blackland Rd NW Atlanta GA becouse I am going to his home!!!!
  23. Guest867
    i don't know what his house address is but i have his fan mail it is:

    Justin Bieber
    c/o Island Def Jam Group
    Worldwide Plaza 825 8th Ave 28th Floor
    New York, NY 10019

    love u justin! XoXo ;) <3
  24. Guest3839
    I do not know

    why can not you just do not know where he lives
  25. Guest3760
    b***h, I'm dating him so seriously, back the f**k up and stop stalking hiim
    Kai thanks.
  26. Guest6406
    My friends grandma is rich and shes Justin's neighbor and they live in a neighborhood that has VERY tall gates around it so noone but the people that live there and there family and friends can get in:p
  27. Guest3871

     honestly shut the f**k of guys. 

    your all so annoying firstly stop calling people stalkers there his fans and yeh maybe they do get a bit personal into his private life but thats what you get with the fame 

    and lastly i love you justin bieber (: <3 

    and most of your fans are stupid annoying b*****s no offence. 

    to the people who think there really mature and going " stalker "

    then why are you commenting on this ?

    you obvs typed in whats justin biebers address and you think your so cool by going your stalkers blah blah blah 

    and and and to the people who are "best friends " or "girlfriends" or related to him all i have to say is BULLSHIT 

    i highly doubt they'd waste there time on this site just to fight with fans and lie to people .(: 


    k thanks <3333333333333333333



  28. Guest8392

    heyyyyyy! 3>

  29. Guest3643

    Know one on here is dating Justin Bieber he is single.

    Yall with yall were dating him but keep dreaming .

    If anyone of yall were dating him good for you .. !

    Anyways he wouldnt date anyone on here who was cussing eachother out .

  30. Guest9899

    where does justin bieber live? (address stratford)

  31. Guest1933

    yall people r so rude just leave justin alone STOP GOSSIPING!

  32. Guest3310

    because he s**y b***h


  33. Guest5820

    hey  its emily brents  sister I LOVE YOU


  34. Guest596

     please tell me whats justin bieber pin bb???

  35. Guest9820

     hahahahahahahaahahhahhah this is hilarious.

    my friend is his cousin.

    and my friends cousin is Dan Kantor ( jbiebs guitarist)

    Justin Bieber sent a video to my camp, saying hi to everyone

    and thats not a lie.


  36. Guest1911

    lets leave it to this my frien kayley is his cousin and were going to visit him in atlanta    so yeah i know were he lives but im not telling u

  37. Guest6830

    para qe no vayan ustedes pendejas

  38. Guest7821

    haha this is kind of funny to read u guys r like lieing and yeah

  39. Guest7510

    justin bieber lives in new york not atlanta but i dont know his adress and thats what i want to know i want to have his adress so i can sent him a litter

  40. Guest4837

     OMG! just stop all of u guys r so stupid and has no life becuaseu keep posting things!

    and whatever that Justin bieber's fans wants to kow his adress! that s part of being a fan!

    just all of u give a brak to every one! just stop it.

    k! I love Justin bieber! and hate selena gomez becuase they are daiting!

    <3 ; )_

  41. Guest3189

    Whats his address?

  42. Guest3334

    • justin bibe ris a sore luser he isnt even a man seriously he hasnt even gone through puberty so get over it he is totally g*y..

  43. Guest2219

    hay this is hannah rhodes i love justin bieber and you ned to shotup and stop and you ned to stop and get your ateup and live justin bieber a loooo ok ok ok  i konwe ware he live at and i am not lining ok ok i been to his home ko ok i red your note and you ned to stop cosing ok i am 9 years old ok  my cosint red it to me ok ok ok ok !!!!!!!1

  44. Guest9097

    hay this is hannah rhodes i love justin bieber and you ned to shotup and stop and you ned to stop and get your ateup and live justin bieber a loooo ok ok ok  i konwe ware he live at and i am not lining ok ok i been to his home ko ok i red your note and you ned to stop cosing ok i am 9 years old ok  my cosint red it to me ok ok ok ok !!!!!!!

  45. Guest2559

    justin is soooo cool and just looking at him would be enough for me and all those people are just g*y saying that they know justin and were or are his gfriend so PETHETIC SO GET A f*****g LIFE YOU s**t BRAINS no effence just leave the poor guy in peace and all of you what if he looked at this website he might be effended so shut it gaby gutierrez LOL and why would he be interested in you lot and its up to j b to deside who he goes out wiv toodles

  46. Guest3761

    Really why does anyone one need his adress

  47. Guest9590

    i love justin bieber he is so cutie .

  48. Guest5155


  49. Guest5906

    what is justin bieber's number and house number tell the real one. justin derw bieber house in ontario. love his biggest fan in the world. p.s. my name is raven is it a good name!!!! lol.


  50. Guest1866

     justin bieber lives in new york not atlanta but i dont know his adress and thats what i want to know i want to have his adress so i can sent him a litter


    ABOVE : i agree man! i wanna send some s**t!, WILD ANIMAL!, VESTIGE!, and etc....

  51. Guest260

     288 willow st stratford

  52. Guest3126

    JUSTIN BIEBER <3<3<3

  53. Guest8306

    This is what I got. You can try them if you want to.

    Justin Bieber's Address, Mailing Addresses, Fan Mail, Contact Addresses:

    Justin Bieber Address #1:

    Justin Bieber

    c/o Island Def Jam Group

    Worldwide Plaza 825 8th Ave 28th Floor

    New York, NY 10019 USA

    Justin Bieber Address #2:

    Justin Bieber

    P.O. Box 578, Wittmann, AZ

    Household Carina Bieber

    Justin Bieber Address #3:

    Justin Bieber

    4184573 Kinettie Rd.

    Atlanta Georgia


  54. Guest4334 name is Mai..justin bieber i want to friend with you..but you don't care..everybody are same..for your information..please friend with everybody..what have have to friend with everybody..                    


  55. Guest9871

    Look, i doubt anyone here knows his real address. But if ur his neighbor....TELL US WHERE HE LIVES!!!!!!!!!


    ps- I am NOT crazy  Lol

  56. Guest984

    he lives in atlanta 144 colin rd

  57. Guest65

    hi, justin i love your music i was wondering if you could come to  my house. right know i am in  my gra ndma's  house in miami. but i live in rincon ,ga i am staying there for to months i  would love if you  can come and right now i am bored and i am  trying to be come famous  so may be we could  firends  oh and can u bring selena gomez and if u come to my  really house my address i 119 melrose pl. and my grandma 's house address issunny estates in miami fl.

    ask for natally monzon love u

  58. Guest7212

    is 288 something stradford, it says in the movie duh!!

  59. Guest7703

     f*****g stalkers 

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