
what is migration?

by Guest7584  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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what is migration?

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  1. Guest5703
    A change in residence intended to be permanent - leaving one's native country to live in another.

  2. Guest2553
    When a person leaves their country to live and settle permanently in another country.
  3. Guest3549
    Migration is the human flow from a country to another under legal circumstances. Reasons can range from economic to political, yet is considered migrant those who settle in a different country.
  4. Guest7699
    Migration is the mass movement of people or animals. A bird that flies North in the summer and South in the winter is known as a migratory bird. It migrates from the North down to the South during the winter to avoid the cold. Migration may also occur among humans. Migration explains the spread of humans from the African continent where the species originated. People migrate for many reasons, disasters, religious beliefs, changing climate, etc.
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