
what is the importance of studying geography?

by Guest1175  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i need to know this information to answer my e.q. in 150 words but u dont have to answer it in 150 words just like  a sentence or something!!!

 Tags: geography, importance, studying



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    geography is the discover of the earth , it is therefore a representative of science in a way. however , it is not all identically the same , in other words geography is the study of the earth and science is the study of the natural phenomena. Geography consist of several different information than science which makes it a different subject. one of the reasons for studying geography is that important and useful information is given to those who are intended to study geography. map reading is one of the information that is given. another attempt for studying geography is it acquires a better understanding appreciation of environment meaning it helps us to figure out the relationships between countries to countries. the last reason is that it allows us to care more for the environment after studying the natural disasters and global warnings.
    Hope it helps

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