
what is the new date for the sisters grimm movie auditions?

by Guest5685  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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What is the new date for the sisters grimm movie auditions? I'd really like to be Sabrina and I'm closest to LA, but I don't know the new date FOR the auditions!They said that they were next year, but they were'nt exactly specific, if you know what I mean!!!

 Tags: auditions, date, Grimm, Movie, sisters



  1. Sabrina Grimm

     I think that the auditions are in Febuary 2013. Just to warn you! Hoped this helped, if you need any more advice, then tell me. I might be able to help answer your questions.

  2. Sabrina Grimm

     Someone posted a comment like yours and someone answered it. Here is what she answered in short version: She said that they were going to do the movie in 2011, but as you can tell, that passed, and then she said that the studios changed the date to either sometime in September 2013, or February 2013. Sorry if that wasn't enough advice. Oh! And by the way, I am so sorry but there is only one Sabrina Grimm, and that is me. So you CAN NOT be Sabrina in the movie, I am going to audition and I am going to be Sabrina Grimm. Sorry!

  3. Guest2660
    auditions in LA?!? I live in Vancouver ahh come on
  4. Guest769

    Thanks for the help! That was sarcasum sweetheart.

  5. Guest8619

    WOW! Guest 18871512 you got burned!

  6. Guest504

    Yeah. You really did!

  7. Guest7536

    I agree.

  8. Guest3371

    you are all immature


  9. Guest1603


  10. Guest5643

    So what!

  11. Guest6261

    Find Movie Auditions at which is FREE to use.


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Sabrina Grimm


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