
what is the real meaning of valentine day

by Guest9064  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I am wonder what would be the real meaning of valentine day. You have any information?

 Tags: Day, Meaning, Real, valentine



  1. Guest5144

    According to the accounts of the author  Martha Zimmerman, the date traditionally celebrated as St. Valentine's Day has its  origin in the Roman festival of romance called Lupercalia,  it was the occasion when the gods Juno and Pan were honored. It was the festival of fertility  or a lover's holiday looking forward to the return of Spring. In the fifth century, in an attempt to abolish the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia and its February 15 date to February 14 and called it Saint Valentine's Day. Even though the names and the date were changed, the emphasis continued to be on love.

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