
what is the secret to bodybuilding?

by Guest6934  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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how can i build big muscles really fast?

 Tags: bodybuilding?, secret



  1. Guest8992
    its consistency.......go hard, go heavy, go at least 5 - 6 times a week, and spend at least one hour to 1 and a half......u will grow every week, and month.

  2. Guest8886
    Consistency is the key to success brov. don't look for secrets, just get your feet on the path and the path is gonna lead you. Jazzy
  3. Guest656
    What you do depends on your goals. do you want to be fit or gain mass; plan would be developed accordingly
  4. Guest1682
    do the masturbating and put the outcome on your wud grow better.....
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