
what qualities do modeling agencies look for?

by Guest8953  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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what qualities do modeling agencies look for?

 Tags: agencies, look, modeling, qualities



  1. amomipais82
    The more specific things depend on what you want to model for.

    However, the basics are these:

    Over 5'8
    Healthy weight (skinny, or average weight)
    Unique, beautiful face
    Good skin
    Good personality

    You need to be flexible and not picky. When you are a model you are basically a landscape for someone to show their product off on. If you are the type to complain about what you're wearing, they won't accept that kind of attitude.
    Being a model takes a lot of time and risks, but a GOOD modeling agency will never force you to be a size 0 - in most cases, this is an unhealthy weight - you simply may not be made this way. So anyone that said you have to be a size 0 is wrong. That's what the media likes, but that's also what can kill you in the long run. There are plenty of modeling agencies out there that will accept you no matter what your weight is - they even have plus size modeling if that is your case.
    If you really want to learn about modeling and all its pros and cons, i reccomend watching America's Next Top Model if you haven't already!
    Have fun & Good luck! :)

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