
what r the mermaid spell side effects and when do that start

by audrey  |  12 years, 6 month(s) ago

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what r the mermaid spell side effects and when do that start

 Tags: Effects, Mermaid, Spell, start



  1. H2Olover

     Well I did it yesterday and I got symptoms right after but it depends. My spell takes a long time to kick in and I might do another one but use a symbol like a ring or something on our upper body and don't take it off or do the spell again. U may get headaches and my hands are turning green and I am ALWAYS thirsty. Good luk and Believe

  2. audrey

    To me i did the spell 20 min ago and my side effects already started. I put my face in water and held it for 5 min, i want to drink water, my legs feel slimy, dizzy, head ach and thats it. but the start when ever. mine is bad because i did 10 different spells.

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